Selecting Cuts of Seafood

Shrimp on Gravity Series Grill

From grilling shrimp to smoking salmon, choosing and preparing different cuts is all a matter of preference. Here's how to go about selecting cuts of seafood for grilling, smoking, and more.

Here are some of the most used cuts of seafood.

Mahi-Mahi - Similar in texture to swordfish, but a bit oilier. Despite this, it dries out quickly on the grill, so we suggest a brine before grilling.

Red Snapper - Quick and easy to grill or fry. If you grill, handle carefully. Make sure the fish and the grill are well-oiled.

Salmon - A favorite for grilling because it doesn't dry out. Rich in healthy, natural oils and fats, so you can pop it on the grill without oiling. Its flavor also compliments stronger marinades. For one of our favorite salmon recipes, check out our herb-crusted salmon recipe.

Scallops - You'll want to use fresh ocean scallops if you're grilling or frying them. Take a close look at the scallops before you buy them. If they're unnaturally white and are sitting in a milky liquid, they're processed. Natural scallops are a pinkish tan or ivory. They have a firmer texture and a bigger surface area that holds the batter better.

Trout - Freshwater trout is great on the grill. The skin becomes thin and crispy, and the flesh is flavorful without an overpowering fishiness.

Tuna - Tuna does best with a simple marinade of herbs and oil. This prevents it from drying out and getting tough. If you like your tuna rare, buy 1 1/2 inch thick steaks. This will enable you to sear them without overcooking them.

Mussels - Versatile, quick, and cheap. Mussels steam beautifully and within minutes they can rustle up a satisfying gourmet dish.

Shrimp - Tastes great any way you cook them. Though some prefer boiled shrimp, there's a lot to be said for grilling or steaming them. They tend to retain a delicate flavor better this way.

Tip - Fish smokes fast, so it requires a little more attention. The best types of fish to test on your smoker or Gravity Series® Grill + Smoker are salmon and trout fillets. Boneless fish fillets are the easiest to smoke. Fish with a higher fat content, such as trout, salmon, tuna, or mackerel, retain their moisture better during smoking. Most fish should be brined and air-dried before smoking.

Once you select your cut of seafood, it's time to get cooking. For more grilling inspiration, head to our blog.