Rasheed Philips

Father's Day Turkey Leg

Portions: 2 people
Temps de cuisson: 1 - 2 heures
Father's Day Turkey Leg


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A delicious Father's Day entree from Rasheed Philips


  1. 01

    Cut onion into medium slices. Bring 4 quarts of water to a simmer. Add 1/2 cup kosher salt, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1 head smashed garlic, and 2 Tbsp red pepper flakes to water. Allow salt and brown sugar to dissolve, then remove from heat.



    • 1/2 Cup Kosher Salt
    • 1/4 Cup Brown Sugar
    • 1 Head Smashed Garlic
    • 2 Tbsp Red Pepper Flakes
    • 1/2 White Onion
  3. 02

    Pour brine mixture into container or large bowl. Add an additional 4 quarts of cold water, then place turkey legs into brine. Cover and place in fridge for 24-48 hours.

  4. 03

    Load, light, and set your Gravity Series 1050 Digital Charcoal Grill to 275°F.

  5. 05

    Lightly drizzle grapeseed oil on turkey legs and coat all surfaces. Season turkey legs using your dry rub mix. Shake off any excess, then reapply.

  6. 06

    Set turkey legs onto the lower grate of your Gravity Series grill and let cook until you reach an internal temp of 165°F, roughly 75-90 minutes.

  7. 07

    Tip - With the aid of a brine and the fat content of the dark meat, turkey legs will not dry out as easily as other cuts.

  8. 08

    I like to add a bit of brightness and sweetness to compliment the turkey. In a small bowl melt 1/2 stick unsalted butter, juice of 1 lemon, and 2 tsp of maple syrup. Mix together and baste turkey leg when internal temp reaches 160°F. Once internal temp has reached 165°F, the basting liquid will have set.

  9. 09

    Remove, serve, and enjoy!


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